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ECS Cares provides medical waste disposal services and other disposal services to businesses located in Toronto, Ontario. We have a dedicated team that will arrange our medical waste disposal services according to your custom instructions based on your exact needs. Our medical waste disposal services in Toronto include needle disposal, syringe disposal, lancet disposal, and PPE disposal.

We provide biomedical waste disposal containers and have different options depending on your unique needs. We have needle boxes and sharps containers for low-risk, medium-risk, and high-risk areas in Toronto. Our needle boxes are expertly crafted to be tamper-proof to prevent accidental break-ins and injuries. As one of Canada’s top biowaste medical waste management companies, we are determined to provide you with the best prices and customer service. We are dedicated to following all of Canada’s biomedical waste regulations and giving each customer the utmost care.

If you’re ever wondering: what should I do with used needles and other medical waste? The answer is that you need to properly dispose of it using a compliant needle container such as the ones we feature in our shop. They are ideal for hazardous waste disposal and they are safe, secure and compliant. In the city of Toronto, you should never discard your needles, syringes, lancets or other medical waste in your recycling bin or trash can.

ECS Cares makes biomedical waste management easy, as we provide medical waste pickup and handle the disposal for you. If you’re located in Toronto, Ontario, don’t hesitate to request a quote or call us at 1-800-263-1857

Our drivers and staff are fully compliant with Canada’s provincial and national health and safety ministry regulations.

You and your staff will be in great hands with us, as protecting you is what we do!

The services we provide include:

  • Medical Waste Disposal

  • Needle/Sharps Disposal

  • Chemical Disposal

  • Silver Recovery

  • Product Destruction

We serve many industries, including:

  • Veterinary offices

  • Dental clinics

  • Medical facilities

  • Hotels and resorts

  • Long term care/retirement homes

  • Pharmacies

  • Tattoo parlours

  • Barber Shops

  • Parks and Recreational Areas

  • Restaurants and Food

  • Laboratory Facilities

As one of Toronto’s best and well-respected medical waste disposal companies, we promise to provide services that are professional, comfortable, and safe to our clients. We provide household hazardous waste disposal and are here to help ensure your medical, chemical, and other biohazardous waste disposal is fully compliant with HWIN and Canada’s Health and Safety regulations.


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Its is very important to us that each of our clients are 100% satisfied with our services. We provide every customer in Toronto Ontario, with a personal sales representative that tailors our medical waste disposal services to your unique establishment’s needs. Some medical waste disposal services we provide to Toronto includes: biohazardous materials disposal,PPE gear disposal, needle disposal, and more.

Protect your business with regulated medical waste disposal that is safe, efficient and reliable. We are dedicated to serving Toronto with the most highly trained medical waste professionals who will make sure to get the job done.


Since 1969, ECS Cares has been providing silver recovery services to the health care, industrial and photographic industries in Toronto. We also offer filter replacements for QuickSilver cartridges, silver maker cells and silver windows. We are eager to serve your business and are proud to serve Toronto, Ontario!




Before needle kiosk installation.

After needle kiosk installation.


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We Offer These Medical Waste Disposal, Chemical Disposal, Silver Recovery, and Chemical Disposal Services to Toronto Ontario:

·      Medical Waste Disposal to Toronto Ontario

·      Medical Waste Management to Toronto Ontario

·      Environmental Control Services to Toronto Ontario

·      Sharps Container Disposal to Toronto Ontario

·      Bio Disposal to Toronto Ontario

·      Medical Waste Bin Disposal to Toronto Ontario

·      Needle Disposal to Toronto Ontario

·      Sharps Disposal to Toronto Ontario

·      Medical Waste Collection to Toronto Ontario

·      Tattoo Parlour Needle Disposal to Toronto Ontario

·      Barber Shop Razer Disposal to Toronto Ontario

·      Healthcare Waste Management to Toronto Ontario

·      Silver Recovery to Toronto Ontario

·      Chemical Waste Disposal to Toronto Ontario

·      Medical X Ray Film Disposal to Toronto Ontario

·      Graphic Litho Film to Toronto Ontario

·      Hospital Waste Disposal to Toronto Ontario

·      Medical Waste to Toronto Ontario

·      Needle and syringe to collection Toronto Ontario

·      Pharmaceutical Waste Management to Toronto Ontario

·      Hazardous Waste Management to Toronto Ontario

·      Infectious Waste Disposal to Toronto Ontario