CR2 Sharps Container

CR2 Sharps Container
The CR2 is the smallest container in CR container series. With 5 sizes available ranging from 2.5L to 22L, this series is ideal for all facilities. It is free-standing and ideal for single and multi-room facilities. The wide opening allows for the disposal of voluminous material. Various supports are available including desk mounts and wall brackets. Available in box configurations of 4-Pack and 12-Pack. The CR2 2.5L Sharps Container is perfect for hands-free and easy disposal of needles, syringes, gauze and lancets. It features large opening with a temporary and permanent locking lid.
• A Large Lid that is simple and easy to close. The generous opening is ideal for syringes, gloves and gauze.
• It is compact and stable on countertops.
• It is puncture-resistant to sharp objects.
• It is very secure as it has a permanent closure and tab that locks with audible clicks.